
The Staging Area

Area within a large mixed parking lot, has CS and electricity connection.

The Area is located 500 m from the Center.


Annual Opening.


Arsenio Favrio Square – 10059 Susa (Turin)


N 45.138610, AND 7.054000

All Services

Paid admission

Annual Opening

Electrical Connection in Coin

Water Load

Waste Water Discharge

Empty-Cassette Service

Asphalt Bottom

Illuminated Area


Public Means

Pets Allowed

More Info

Susa is a small town with a very old history to tell, and it is easy to get around on foot.

Along Via Assietta on the left after Chiesa Santa Maria delle Grazie is the Roman Amphitheater freely open to the public. Gladiator fights and hunting scenes called “venationes” took place here. Inside is visible a narrow gallery that connects four chambers, the “carceres,” rooms that served to house beasts and animals before combat.

The Roman Aqueduct and the Celtic Altar are also worth a visit: on these rocks it is possible to see cup marks, bowl-shaped engravings connected by channels. It is thought that the Druids sacrificed animals and humans on these rocks, and based on the direction the blood followed in the carvings, they drew their auspices.

The Arch of Augustus stands on the ancient roadway of the Gauls and perfectly frames the Rocciamelone, which dominates the city of Susa. This mountain over 3550 m high was considered sacred to the people of the city as far back as the Celtic times of the Druids.


Window Hill

Countess Adelaide's Castle

Benedictine Abbey of Novalesa


Orsiera Rocciavrè Nature Park

Useful Links

Municipality of Susa

Pro Loco

Tour Guide

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