
The Staging Area

Rest area along SS71 from Orvieto to Chiusi, at the Parco Cittadino, 25 places on gravel, lighted, water and sump drain.
In the summer period, July and August, the area is closed for local events.



Via Orvieto – 05016 Ficulle (Terni)


42° 49′ 48″ N 12° 4′ 5″ E


Tel: +39076386031

All Services

Accesso gratuito

Free Entrance

Apertura annuale

Annual Opening Closed July-August

Carico Acqua

Water Load

Scarico acque reflue

Waste Water Discharge

Scarico wc chimico

Empty-Cassette Service

WC (1)

Toilet Facilities

Fondo Ghiaia

Gravelly Bottom


Illuminated Area

Animali ammessi

Pets Allowed

Parco Giochi


More Info

Ficulle has preserved its genuine medieval appearance over the centuries. Still surrounded by the walls, which give it a peculiar pseudo-elliptical plan, the village is dominated by its oldest nucleus, Castel Maggiore, with the two fortresses at either end. The historic center is developed around Corso della Rinascita and the characteristic little square, from which branch the charming alleys that separate the old Ficullian buildings, often decorated with terracotta or wrought-iron artifacts. Also of particular note is the 13th-century Church of Santa Maria Vecchia. In the middle of the old town, however, stands the Church of Santa Maria Nuova, erected in the 17th century. Finally, Ficulle is home to a shrine: it is the Church of the Madonna della Maestà, located about half a kilometer south of the historic center.

The eastern part is cloaked in verdant forests, which have sometimes preserved places with millennia of history. One of them is the Abbey of St. Nicholas at Mount Orvietano, dating back to 1007.

Another Ficulese medieval jewel rises, however, in the southwestern portion of the municipality. It is the Castle of the Hall, erected in 1350.

A place not to be missed for its unique charm is, likewise, the gully area.

Ficulle is the cradle of artisan traditions that have brought it worldwide luster for centuries. Above them all, two stand out: wrought iron work and pottery production.






San Venanzo


Useful Links

Municipality of Ficulle

Pro Loco

Tour Guide

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