Upper Reno Spa

The Staging Area
Municipal equipped area for 9 campers on asphalt, close to the Coop and the spa, with which it has an agreement. Ideal for hiking in the Bolognese Apennines on the border with Tuscany. Annual opening. Automatic payment, accepts only coins.
N44.151282, E10.980442
Tel: +39 053422021
E-mail: iat@comune.porrettaterme.bo.it
All Services

Entrance fee - Agreed

Annual Opening

Electrical Connection

Water Load

Waste Water Discharge

Empty-Cassette Service

Illuminated Area

Asphalt Bottom

Public Means

Controlled Input

Pets Allowed
More Info
The city is a well-known spa and resort town, renowned for its sulfurous and bromine and iodine-salt thermal waters already known in Roman times.
The town of Porretta Terme is, moreover, an ideal starting point for naturalistic excursions in the green of the surrounding mountains and hills, where there are places of great beauty.
Not to be missed is the 19th-century Church of the Immaculate Conception, also known as the Church “of the Friars.” One of the most famous mechanical nativity scenes in existence is housed inside. The parish church of St. Mary Magdalene is also worth a visit.
The poor recipes of mountain cuisine are recommended: scones, zampanelle, necci made from chestnut flour, the well-known “Tortina” and “zuccherini montanari. In the area you can also enjoy the typical Beltaine beer made from chestnuts.
In July, the “Porretta Soul Festival,” Europe’s most prestigious event devoted entirely to soul and rhythm & blues music, is held.