On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the birth of the first camping club in Italy, the municipality of Gangi was awarded the Yellow Flag. A national recognition for those municipalities that have distinguished themselves in terms of hospitality and services for traveling tourism. The presentation of the yellow flag, by ACTItalia, this morning (Saturday, Nov. 5) in the beautiful setting of the Bongiorno Palace. Delivering it to Gangi Mayor Giuseppe Ferrarello were: Tony Gagliano, a member of the ACTItalia national council, and the president of the Plein Air Bds Club of Palermo Francesco Bonsangue.
The awarding, by ACTItalia, of the yellow flag to the municipality of Gangi came thanks to the proposal made by the Sicilian club “Plein Air Bds,” in Sicily only one other municipality has received this recognition and that is Aidone in the province of Enna. An award intended for those resorts or accommodations that stand out for their hospitality and services for itinerant tourism, as well as for environmental-landscape settings and healthy hospitality in addition to food and wine and cultural traditions. These are the reasons for the awarding of the yellow flag to the Municipality of Gangi: “First in Sicily to boast the title of “Most Beautiful Village in Italy” it has maintained and enhanced the urban and architectural layout, but also the artistic and historical heritage and undertaken various initiatives to attract a tourism attentive to cultural specificities.”
For Tony Gagliano member of the national council ACTItalia: “Gangi has been an example for the reception of campers now with the entry into the national circuit of the yellow flag sites, a hundred throughout Italy, certainly there will be an increase in the presence of plein air tourism.” “Gangi has always been in my heart,” said the president of the Plein Air Bds Club of Palermo Francesco Bonsangue, “I believe we were the first to inaugurate the equipped camper area, and over the years our attendance has been constant, and it is precisely because of the welcome we have always received that we came up with the idea of proposing it as a yellow flag municipality.
“My community is proud to receive this recognition,” said Mayor Giuseppe Ferrarello, “my thanks go to ACTItalia and Club Plein Air Bds of Palermo who pointed us out. In Gangi for years there has been an equipped camper area usable all year round, a choice that has rewarded us and we will certainly spend even more to improve services and better accommodate this group of visitors and tourists.” Present at the handover ceremony were the city council and some Gangi city councilors, military authorities, the commander of the Petralia Sottana Carabinieri company Captain Salvatore Mancuso and the commander of the Gangi station Marshal Domenico Zurlo, and again the commander of the Gangi municipal police Nicola Di Marco. The many campers after the ceremony were escorted through the alleys and squares of the village to discover an itinerary among museums, historic and noble palaces.