Rome, October 05, 2021
To the President of the Region of Sicily
Nello Musumeci
To the Councillor for Tourism of the Region of Sicily
Manlio Messina
Subject: BILL “Regulation of tourist accommodation facilities”
Dear President Musumeci, Dear Councillor Messina
ASSOCAMP, A.P.C., PROMOCAMP, A.C.T.I, CONFEDERCAMPEGGIO, U.C.A., the Associations representing the entire itinerant tourism supply chain, as better specified below, having read the Draft Law in question, say they are available for a meeting with S.V.I. in order to support your interesting project of tourism planning for accommodation facilities.
In particular, we would like to address with you the much-heard topic of the regulation of rest areas, those most in demand by itinerant tourists, who throughout the year, regularly use them to visit our regions.
1. From the draft we have received, specifically in Art. 19(3), which quotes the specification in full:
3. Paragraph 7 bis, of Article 2 of Regional Law No. 14 of March 13, 1982, as amended and supplemented, shall be replaced by the following: “The Municipality may authorize, in public or private areas where the general services indispensable to ensure compliance with sanitary regulations, the protection of public health and the environment must be ensured, campsites of a maximum duration of sixty days within the calendar year, subject to the prior authorization of the Department of Tourism, Sports and Entertainment:
(a) to respond to events of an extraordinary nature;
(b) for the educational, recreational, sports, cultural, social, religious purposes of non-profit associations and bodies.”
We would like to better understand the interpretation of the limitation of the possibility of use limited to 60 days within the calendar year and for events of an extraordinary nature or for the purposes stipulated in item “b).” The Associations listed below believe that our regions, and Sicily in particular, need to regulate the openings of rest areas throughout the year in order to accommodate the many European tourists who visit Italy even during winter periods.
That is why, dear Sirs, we trust in the acceptance of our request for a meeting via zoom or other platform, and while waiting for feedback, we take this opportunity to extend cordial greetings.
ASSOCAMP – National Association of Recreational Vehicle Operators.
President – Ester Bordino
Mail : presidenteassocamp@assocamp.com
A.P.C. – Camper Manufacturers Association
General Manager – Ludovica Sanpaolesi
Mail : ludovica.sanpaolesi@apcitalia.com
PROMOCAMP – Outdoor Tourism Entrepreneurs Association
President – Luigi Boschetti
Mail: info@promocamp.com
A.C.T.I. – Association of Tourist Campers of Italy
President – Guido Chiari
Mal: presidente@actitalia.it
CONFEDERCAMPEGGIO – Italian Confederation of Campers.
President – Giovanni Grassi
Mail : presidente@federcampeggio.it
U.C.A.-Union of Friends Clubs -National federation in favor of itinerant tourism and campers
President – Ivan Perriera
Mail: info@ivanperriera.com